Conflict with Gravity Forms login form

Hi there,

While migrating my website solution from Formidable Forms to Gravity Forms, I encountered a bug with the Tangible Layout and GF login form that caused a 500 internal server error.

Steps to repeat:

  1. Create a Tangible Layout containing: <Field name="content" />
  2. Set the layout location to Single Page
  3. Publish a page with the GF login shortcode: [gravityform action="login"]
  4. Login using the new form
  5. 500 internal server error displayed

I’ve messaged GF support, and they seem to think this is a problem with L&L.

The unusual thing about this bug is that the user is still logged in normally in the background, and the rest of the website works fine. So, it’s just a temporary error interrupting the process. It may have something to do with the redirect after login.

I’ve been unable to generate any WP error logs for this issue; otherwise, I would provide them.

I have the bug running on a clean test site if someone wants the login.
