I´m working with L&L and different templates, which worked perfect. There were a couple of upates since I´ve created the templates. But there is someting strange now, when using condition inside an ACF Group:
This one works:
<If acf_repeater=repeater_name exists>
<Loop acf_repeater=repeater_name>
<Field field_name />
In the second template I use a repeater which is part of an ACF Group, and this is not working anymore.
<Loop acf_group=group_name>
<If acf_repeater=repeater_name exists>
<Loop acf_repeater=repeater_name>
<Field field_name />
Without the <If>
condition for the repeater field the template is working. Any ideas? When working with acf_editior inside the ACF group loop, the <If>
condition is working.