ACF Repeater Bug?

I´m working with L&L and different templates, which worked perfect. There were a couple of upates since I´ve created the templates. But there is someting strange now, when using condition inside an ACF Group:

This one works:

<If acf_repeater=repeater_name exists>
<Loop acf_repeater=repeater_name>
   <Field field_name />

In the second template I use a repeater which is part of an ACF Group, and this is not working anymore.

<Loop acf_group=group_name>
  <If acf_repeater=repeater_name exists>
<Loop acf_repeater=repeater_name>
   <Field field_name />

Without the <If> condition for the repeater field the template is working. Any ideas? When working with acf_editior inside the ACF group loop, the <If> condition is working.

I don’t work a whole lot with ACF repeaters so feel free to correct me if I’ve missed something in the docs, but as far as I can see in the documentation for the ACF repeater field, it only mentions being able to refer to ACF repeaters with the Loop tag. I’m not seeing anything that suggests that <If acf_repeater=repeater_name exists> has ever been valid syntax. If this template was working before, it seems like it would have been a fluke.

Since you can use ACF repeater fields with the Loop tag, maybe you could use the Loop exists feature to make this work. In other words, something like this:

<Loop acf_group=group_name>
  <If loop exists acf_repeater=repeater_name>
        <Field field_name />
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