Best way to create an image gallery with a lightbox?

Hi, does anyone have a low-code solution for creating a nice image gallery with a lightbox from an ACF gallery?

I don’t want a heavy and expensive galley plugin, but I would happily install a simple plugin that saves me some time.

Maybe there is something that integrates nicely with L&L and allows me to pass the image ID’s into a gallery shortcode or something like that?


Hey Phil!
You could try the glider module: (old docs link because this one has a preview)

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Thanks @julia , I got the Glider module working, but it broke my slide-out menu, which uses jQuery. I could use a little more functionality than Glider can provide, so will investigate some other options.

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I tried a ton of plugins, but the only one that was decent and genuinely open-source was this one:

It works straight out of the box as long as the images are linked to the media file. The UX is similar to Glider, just with more options to play with, such as full screen, titles, captions etc.

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