Conflict with Gravity Forms login form in Layout template

Hi there,

While migrating my website solution from Formidable Forms to Gravity Forms, I encountered a bug with the Tangible Layout and GF login form that caused a 500 internal server error.

Steps to repeat:

  1. Create a Tangible Layout containing: <Field name="content" />
  2. Set the layout location to Single Page
  3. Publish a page with the GF login shortcode: [gravityform action="login"]
  4. Login using the new form
  5. 500 internal server error displayed

I’ve messaged GF support, and they seem to think this is a problem with L&L.

The unusual thing about this bug is that the user is still logged in normally in the background, and the rest of the website works fine. So, it’s just a temporary error interrupting the process. It may have something to do with the redirect after login.

I’ve been unable to generate any WP error logs for this issue; otherwise, I would provide them.

I have the bug running on a clean test site if someone wants the login.


Hi Phil,

Thanks for the issue report, and helpful details - we’re looking into it. It’s being tracked here:

From the description, it does sound like it’s related to redirect after login.

Layouts work by hooking into the template_include action, and redirects after form submit are often handled in or before this hook. So it seems there’s conflicting logic with the login form that’s causing an infinite loop maybe.

Will keep you updated when it’s resolved.

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