Hi everyone - me again!
Best WP add-on out there - I’ll say it again - but it’s flexibility is my weakness - nothing’s intuitive for me - and so I come to the experts.
I am using a loop which works great and does almost exactly what I need - I just need to add the characters “+npc” to the end of the {Field url} and I can’t figure out how:
Current code is:
<Loop type=taxonomy_term taxonomy=category order=asc parent="ParentCategory">
<a href="{Field url}">- <Field title />
<If loop exists type=taxonomy_term taxonomy=category id="{Field children}">
<Field count />+<Loop><Field count /><If not last>+</If></Loop>
<Else />
(<Field count />)
p.s. I know the /a is in the wrong place but I wanted to keep the (#) in the hyperlink and it still works /shrug
So - what am I missing so that the A HREF ends up being:
Thanks kindly for your time even in reviewing this request, let alone helping solve it.