Hi there, I am hoping this is possible - but I am unable to work out how to do it after looking through the documentation:
I have a custom post type called ‘campaign’ (made using ACF)
I have a custom taxonomy called ‘link-reference’ (made using ACF) which is assigned to the campaign post type
The campaign post type is hierarchical (so I have parent and child posts within this post type)
I have, for example, 5 posts that all have the same link-reference term of ‘2024-abc-campaign’. 1 of these is a parent post and the other 4 are child posts
I would like to write a L&L loop which allows me to display all campaign posts with the term of ‘2024-abc-campaign’, but excluding the Parent post (so it will only display the child posts which have that term).
Maybe you could do this with the parent field and the field attribute? I don’t have time to test this myself unfortunately but the loop might look something like this:
This might not work as-is, so maybe you could try looping through all posts, displaying the parent field value for your different posts, and then adjusting the comparison in field_compare and the value in field_value so that the logic makes sense based on what you’re trying to do.
Let me know if you get this working, it’s a pretty interesting use-case!