Hi there,
Being a user of WP GridBuilder, i’m curious about this improvement in the latest L&L 3.1.3 update:
- Add WP Grid Builder integration with Tangible Template widget
I guess it’s a bit early for this new feature to be documented.
Hi there,
Being a user of WP GridBuilder, i’m curious about this improvement in the latest L&L 3.1.3 update:
- Add WP Grid Builder integration with Tangible Template widget
I guess it’s a bit early for this new feature to be documented.
Hi Emmanuel,
Since WP Grid Builder doesn’t use the global wp_query system that L&L relies on to figure out its context and didn’t provide any reasonable way for us to work around it, we actually went ahead and added a WP Grid Builder block you can use to select an existing L&L template similar to the one provided for Gutenberg, Elementor & Beaver Builder. The only difference is that you can’t write L&L code directly in WP Grid Builder, you can only select an existing saved template.
Hi Gabriel,
Oh i see, this is a new block for WP GridBuilder (WPGB), to insert L&L dynamic content in a Card layout.
And you say it automatically fetches the context, meaning the L&L template knows which post to deal with in the grid?
If so, it will ease things a lot.
I recently used a L&L template in a WPGB Card and i had to pass the Post ID to the L&L template using WPGB tag {{post.id}}
[template name=my-template post_id={{post.id}}]
…and in the L&L template:
<Loop type=post id="{Get local=post_id}">
Code here…
Thanks for your details
Hey there,
WP Grid Builder has recently released version 2.0 of its plugin and now uses the Gutenberg editor instead of the previous custom backend.
Unfortunately, the Tangible Block no longer works with version 2.0 and no longer appears in the available blocks. Would it be possible for you to update the integration, preferably backwards compatible if possible? I would really appreciate this.
If by backwards compatible you mean that the markup placed in a non-Gutenberg block from 1.X would be ported to a Gutenberg block in 2.0, I’m thinking that would involve a complex migration script if it could be done, but I’m hopeful we can eventually add a 2.0 compatible block.
Hi Gabriel,
thanks for the reply and sorry for the delay. For some reason I am no longer receiving notifications.
Yes, that’s what I meant. If this is too complex, a new Gutenberg block 2.0 would of course be great.
Hi again @TangibleCEO Gabriel, can you give us an estimate whether an update of the Tangible Block for the new WP GridBuilder version is planned for one of the upcoming plugin versions?
It’s unlikely to be something we work on in the next version or two given our other priorities.
I understand, thanks for the clarification.