(Emmanuel Soyer)
August 22, 2023, 11:23pm
I’m confused trying to use hierarchical parameters in a Pages loop, to build a Table of Content for the current section being browsed by the user:
Here’s my pages hierarchy on 3 levels:
Level 1 page
– Level 2 pages
–– Level 3 pages
And i need to display the same section menu on all pages:
The section title (Level 1 page)
A list of Level 2 pages
Lists of Level 3 pages nested under their Level 2 parents (above)
I guess my questions are:
For point 1: how to get Level 1 page from any level of the hierarchy (1, 2 or 3)?
For point 2 and 3: how to limit the loops to Level 2 and 3 pages?
Here’s how i did with CCS, now i need to reproduce with L&L:
<div class="title">
[loop child=this]
[if first]
[field title-link]
[set section_top_level][field slug][/set]
<div class="menu">
[pass vars]
[loop type=page parent={SECTION_TOP_LEVEL} orderby=menu]
<li>[field title-link]
[-loop exists parent=this orderby=menu]
<li>[field title-link]</li>
Thanks for your help!
(Emmanuel Soyer)
August 22, 2023, 11:29pm
For point 1 – Section Title – this seems to work:
<div class="title">
<Loop field=ancestors reverse=true orderby=menu>
<If first>
<a href="{Field url}"><Field title /></a>
<Set local=section_top_level><Field id /></Set>
(Emmanuel Soyer)
August 22, 2023, 11:39pm
And i think i get it for Levels 2 and 3, once the Level 1 ID is correctly Set/Get in a local
variable and not name
variable, apparently my initial mistake which returned anything or blank data:
<div class="menu">
<Loop type=page parent="{Get local=section_top_level}" order=asc orderby=menu>
<li><a href="{Field url}"><Field title /></a>
<If loop exists type=page parent="{Field id}" include_children=true order=asc orderby=menu>
<li><a href="{Field url}"><Field title /></a></li>
To set the variable:
<Set local=section_top_level><Field id /></Set>
…and to get it from outside the first loop:
{Get local=section_top_level}
(Phil Rips)
August 24, 2023, 9:57am
Hi @avanti ,
Is it possible to use a menu loop instead? This might be easier if you don’t mind creating a WordPress menu for this solution.
My previous solution using the menu loop is here:
Thanks, @benjamin .
I could not get the matching to work using the menu name or title. There might be an issue with the output of the menu tag or I may not understand the logic well enough.
Either way, I got it working using a match between the menu item URL and the current page URL. Seems to be working fine for my simple website.
Demo here: https://cutloosecrew.com/blog/
Template and CSS below if anyone wants to try it out.
<div class="entry">
<h1 c…
(Emmanuel Soyer)
August 24, 2023, 1:41pm
Hi @Rips , thanks for your suggestion, it sounds like a good idea in order to match the output to a menu, no matter the real pages hierarchy in the backend > Pages list.
It would still require to detect the current page and get its top level ancestor in the menu, if there’s one.
It brings a second alternative though, depending on the goal.
(Phil Rips)
August 24, 2023, 2:00pm
Detecting the current page can be achieved with an If statement:
<If check="{Url site}/{Route}/" is value="{Field url}">
Getting the the top level ancestor should also be possible with another If statement.
It may require using Set and Get tags to make this solution work.
(Emmanuel Soyer)
August 24, 2023, 2:19pm
Yeah, i guess it’s possible to get the current page top level ancestor, then all children of this parent.
I was just thinking it might not be easier than my method above, based on the real pages hierarchy.
But it’s probably an interesting alternative, depending on the goal: pages hierarchy vs menu hierarchy.
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