I feel like I’m going a little crazy. I made a template (and loaded in the example templates), but when I go to edit a page or post, there is no “Tangible Template block” available in the Gutenberg interface. Both of these support articles suggest that it should just be there to pick from the block list:
I’m building a barebones FSE theme with Wordpress 6.3. Does Loops & Logic not support Full Site Editing yet? Is there possibly something in theme.json that I need to have set before the block will be available to use?
Could you provide some login info via DM or sent to service@loopsandlogic.com so we can get a better look at this? There shouldn’t be any issues using the Template block with FSE, so we’d be looking at other factors to see what could be causing the block not to appear.
I’m working with a Local.app site on my local machine. Could I send you a ZIP archive of the site to unpack into Local.app? It’s not a large installation because I’ve only set it up to experiment with L&L so it would be easy to download.
Hi @Beardmancer!
I figured it out! haha, it’s quite weird tbh
It seems like if I deactivate the Gutenberg plugin, you can now find the Tangible Templates and use them wherever you want! Yoo-hoo!
However, I will pass this to the devs to see if we can fix this! Until then, deactivating the plugin will fix the issue.
@Emma Hmm, that’s odd. The only reason I added Gutenberg in the first place was because I couldn’t get Tangible Template to show up—I thought maybe it was a requirement. Sure enough, though, I deactivated and now it works in the editor.