Multisite - call a L&L template from a specific blog


What do you think of adding a variable in the L&L template shortcode in order to call a template from a specific blog in a WPMU context. Like this for example :
[template id=“74” site=“1”]

This could be a great help for WPMU admin to maintain its L&Ltemplate library accross a whole network.

Can’t log in the “suggest-a-feature” section… Can someone put this proposition ins the new features suggestion list ?
Thank you :slight_smile:

@benjamin The captcha feature is not working on the “Suggest a feature” dashboard.
Here is the message when I log on : “Please verify that you are human.”
but I can’t see the captcha field :slight_smile:

anyone @eliot ? thank you !

Hi @bikloz! sorry for replying just now. I have already informed the team about the captcha issue.
in the mean time you can reach out on github to suggest a feature. thank you so much


Hi @bikloz, we can consider this feature but I’m hesitant because shortcodes can be written by non-admin users. It’s probably too much power to give to the editor role to run any template from any blog in the multisite as long as they know the IDs. Unfortunately, shortcodes have no way of ensuring that only admin users write or run it.


I get your point but this feature would be so helpful in WPMU context for the superadmin