We are facing a couple of rather odd problems with LandL on two different sites.
We have set up a Tangible template on Site A to display the contents of a shortcode based on the page URL, e.g. If check=“{Url current}” is value=“…”. The content shows on the frontend when logged in but not when logged out. The conditions do not include user role.
Similar to the above scenario with the Tangible template which we set up on the staging version of Site B but doesn’t work on the production site when duplicated.
Sounds like a caching issue. Have you looked into the cache settings on your site/server? You might have a plugin that handles caching so you could try simply deactivating that to see if the issue goes away. Your host might also have some caching-related settings or defaults.
In the contexts where your templates aren’t working, are you able to display a normal template (for example, some plain text like <p>Hello, world!</p>) on both staging and production when logged in and logged out?
I’m not sure how much help I’ll be able to provide if this does end up being a site/server issue, but maybe you can tell me who your host is and what page builder you’re using.
We have been using Tangible on the websites for quite some time now. The pre-existing templates work just fine but the new Tangible templates we have created don’t.
I did look into LSCache and excluded the relevant page and CSS file from cache without success. Having said that, for point 2 above, the staging site has cache disabled and on the production site it’s enabled. However, it doesn’t explain why existing TTemplates are working fine on the production site when the new ones aren’t, which makes me think it may be something more than cache.
Do you mean that if you add existing templates to a new page, they display correctly, but if you add new templates to a new page, they don’t?
The existing templates were already added to pages. The site has been in existent for a number of months. The existing templates which were added to certain pages load fine. We have now created new templates and these new templates are not loading 1. while logged out and 2. on the production site.
Okay great, thanks for the clarification. You seem to be suggesting that it’s not so much “new L&L templates” that aren’t getting displayed, but rather any templates, new or old, that are added to a new page. If anything, this just points even more clearly to the fact that this is a caching issue and not an L&L issue. You’ll probably want to not only exclude the relevant pages from caching as you’ve already done, but also purge your cache. If that doesn’t work, I’d simply temporarily turn off caching altogether to see if that resolves things. You’ll want to also check at the hosting level to see if anything is being cached there. Elementor does have some cache settings but I doubt those are the culprit here.
Thanks for your detailed reply. I’ll rephrase my previous comment.
The templates which were created prior to the new ones we just have, have been in use and working on the website for several months now without any problems. So my suggestion is the new L&L templates that we have just created that aren’t being displayed.
I have just done some further troubleshooting by creating a brand new page without any formatting and inserted an existing template that has been in use on the website for the past months - no problem with displaying the content.
On the same new page, I changed the template to the newly created template and it does not display the content. Something else I have just discovered while doing this is that upon reloading the Elementor editor by refreshing the page after updating the template to the new one, the content that is being displayed is from a different template to the one I have selected selected in the Tangible Template Elementor widget , i.e. I have selected ‘New Template’ and it is displaying the content of an ‘Old Template’. I have tried this with both a shortcode widget and the TT widget.
It would be good to know if this is reproducible at your end.
Oh interesting, that’s really odd behavior that the wrong template is being rendered, I’ve never heard of that happening before. Our whole team works with L&L every day and thousands of others do on this forum so I imagine if this were a replicable issue with the plugin itself, I would have heard other reports of it. I don’t have much experience with caching-related stuff but maybe @eliot would have some pointers about where to look to further troubleshoot this.
In any case, I think the only way to really troubleshoot this is to confirm whether this is a caching issue by disabling all forms of plugin- and server-based caching.
It sounds like you’re still running into this issue on staging for logged out issues so it’s probably safest to start there, maybe by simply deactivating all plugins except for L&L and Elementor, checking the staging site’s server caching setup, and purging everything.
Sorry that I can’t help much more than this, but I’ll let you know if I hear any other reports of this kind of behavior that would indicate it’s not just your site’s setup.
After spending much time mucking about with a duplicate website with LSCache disabled, I discovered that I could get the new Tangible template to work when I have both the shortcode for the template and the Tangible Elementor widget with the selected Tangible template both on the page at the same time, even with LSCache enabled. Only 1 instance of the template loads. So, on the surface, it looks like this isn’t a caching issue or a plugin/theme conflict.
I’ve yet to finish testing on Site A but safe to say I’d probably see the same thing.
I’ve never heard of that happening before. Our whole team works with L&L every day and thousands of others do on this forum so I imagine if this were a replicable issue with the plugin itself, I would have heard other reports of it. I don’t have much experience with caching-related stuff but maybe @eliot would have some pointers about where to look to further troubleshoot this.
Interesting! With this new information, I’ve been able to test and replicate this behavior on my end. I’ll pass this along to a dev for them to look into and I’ll let you know what I hear back.
Definitely! Sorry if my earlier comment sounded dismissive, I was really stuck on the idea that this must be a caching issue and until we had fully tested that possibility, I was having a hard time believing it could be anything else. Thanks for this additional testing to help clarify the issue.
Given how much testing you have already done, maybe you should check if changing the PHP version has any effect. It’s not recommended, but I’m running on
v8.1.26 at the moment.
After disabling all plugins except Elementor and Tangible, reverting all of Elementor’s settings to inactive and testing the TT in an elementor section on a blank page, the template does not load any content.
Given how much testing you have already done, maybe you should check if changing the PHP version has any effect. It’s not recommended, but I’m running on v8.1.26 at the moment.
Appreciate the suggestion but our servers are already on php 8.1 +.