Order product loop items in numerical sequence

I have a wordpress website with many products arranged in categories. I would like my loop to sort for the category based on the lowest to highest number numerically based on the length_ft custom field size for each product. Currently it is sorting out of numerical value. When the loop encounters a double digit number, it will move that number in front of the normal sequence. So, for example if I want the sequence to go, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11… It will output 1,10,11,12, …,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9… because 10-19 start with the number 1, which is not the desired outcome. How can I have it sort properly in numerical sequence?

Here is what it looks like.

This is my tangible code:

<Loop type=taxonomy_term taxonomy=product_cat terms=329,330,331,336>
<div class="product-display">
    <div class="product-image">
        <Loop type=attachment id="{Field thumbnail_id}">
  <img src="{Field url size=medium}" alt="{Field alt}" />
    <div class="product-details">
        <h2><Field title /></h2>
        <div class="product-description">
            <Field description />
        <div class="shackle-sizes-box">
            <Loop type="product" taxonomy="product_cat" terms="{Field name}">
                <a href="{Field url}" class="size-button"><Field name="diameter_bow_in" /></a>
        <div class="price-range">
            <Field name="price_range" />

Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated.

Have you tried using the orderby_field_number parameter (documented here)?

<div class="shackle-sizes-box">
  <Loop type="product" taxonomy="product_cat" terms="{Field name}" orderby_field_number="diameter_bow_in" order="asc">
    <a href="{Field url}" class="size-button"><Field name="diameter_bow_in" /></a>

This sound like exactly what I am looking for. I did add the parameter to my loop, but did not see a change.

BTW, I realized I copied the template for a different product in my first post. This is the correct product. I’m not sure if the placement of the parameter in this one would change the outcome or not.

<div class="product-display">
        <div class="product-details">
            <div class="shackle-sizes-box">
                <h6>Length in feet</h6>
                    <Loop orderby_field_number="length_ft" order="asc">
                     <a href="{Field url}" class="size-button"><Field name="length_ft" /></a>

Not sure if you have solved this. My first thought is what type the length data field is.
Is it text or numeric? If text then this is the right sorting.
See if you change it to numeric in ACF.