Order product loop items in numerical sequence

I have a wordpress website with many products arranged in categories. I would like my loop to sort for the category based on the lowest to highest number numerically based on the length_ft custom field size for each product. Currently it is sorting out of numerical value. When the loop encounters a double digit number, it will move that number in front of the normal sequence. So, for example if I want the sequence to go, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11… It will output 1,10,11,12, …,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9… because 10-19 start with the number 1, which is not the desired outcome. How can I have it sort properly in numerical sequence?

Here is what it looks like.

This is my tangible code:

<Loop type=taxonomy_term taxonomy=product_cat terms=329,330,331,336>
<div class="product-display">
    <div class="product-image">
        <Loop type=attachment id="{Field thumbnail_id}">
  <img src="{Field url size=medium}" alt="{Field alt}" />
    <div class="product-details">
        <h2><Field title /></h2>
        <div class="product-description">
            <Field description />
        <div class="shackle-sizes-box">
            <Loop type="product" taxonomy="product_cat" terms="{Field name}">
                <a href="{Field url}" class="size-button"><Field name="diameter_bow_in" /></a>
        <div class="price-range">
            <Field name="price_range" />

Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated.

Have you tried using the orderby_field_number parameter (documented here)?

<div class="shackle-sizes-box">
  <Loop type="product" taxonomy="product_cat" terms="{Field name}" orderby_field_number="diameter_bow_in" order="asc">
    <a href="{Field url}" class="size-button"><Field name="diameter_bow_in" /></a>

This sound like exactly what I am looking for. I did add the parameter to my loop, but did not see a change.

BTW, I realized I copied the template for a different product in my first post. This is the correct product. I’m not sure if the placement of the parameter in this one would change the outcome or not.

<div class="product-display">
        <div class="product-details">
            <div class="shackle-sizes-box">
                <h6>Length in feet</h6>
                    <Loop orderby_field_number="length_ft" order="asc">
                     <a href="{Field url}" class="size-button"><Field name="length_ft" /></a>