Woocommerce Loops

Hi!, I’m trying to use the Loop type “woo_product” to access Woocommerce products, but it is not working…is this a PREMIUN functionality that Should I pay for?, there is another plugin that should I Install?

Hi Fernando,
Our plugin integrations aside from ACF and WP Fusion are not available in the free version on the repo, and unfortunately our premium integrations plugin isn’t ready for release to the public just yet. In the meantime you should be able to access some Woocommerce data the way you would custom posts:

<Loop type=product>
  <Field title />
  <Field custom_meta />

Data stored in the post_meta table will be accessible this way. If you’re comfortable poking around in the database, here’s a tutorial on how to find the meta keys that WooCommerce is using. You won’t be able to easily access data stored in arrays or in Woocommerce’s separate database tables. That’s where our integration will eventually come in handy.

Product attributes are created as custom taxonomies, so you should be able to get them with a taxonomy_term loop.

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I was able to use the product example to list out WooComm product info.

In the same say can we use the Orders post type (shop_order) to list our orders info? I tried but nothing is generated?

Thanks and awesome plugin!